PharmaFulcri Social

Your Pharmacy on Facebook!

“Social” is the new Fulcri solution for the

quick and simple management of Facebook posts about your Pharmacy.

A tool necessary for the simple planning of Facebook communications about your Pharmacy. News and offers will reach your clients via the most famous social networks.


Models for all tastes

You can choose from 8 graphics models and 5 messages to respond to any communication requirement with your client: discounts, events, information, news.


Simple planning

You can choose the date and time of publication of all posts and Social manages this for you so you can show what you wish. You can also create links in each post, deciding which sections of the Pharmacy site or other webpages they are directed to.


You do not have to install anything

You can plan all the posts you wish from any PC, at home or in your Pharmacy, without installing anything.

Why choose PharmaFulcri Social?

Because nearly all your clients today are using social networks. Because Facebook is the most used social network today. Because communicating with your clients, wherever they are, is important.

  • QUICK: It takes less than a few minutes to create a post!
  • SIMPLE: : You can easily plan future posts to your Facebook page, coordinate communication in Paper or online for posts that you have already planned.
  • EFFICIENT: the posts can be linked to difference sections of your webpage.